Cinema Payment Software System

Cinema Payment Software System

Cinema Ticketing Software has adjustment and sales interfaces. Users log in to the system with their username and password and can only view the screens within their authority. The most important feature of the system is that it can be directly integrated with new generation Cash Register-POS systems. In this way, easy, fast and reliable buffet management can be carried out. Users with admin authority can define new users as well as definitions such as branch, hall, seating plan, seat type, movie, person type (student, disabled, retired, etc.).
Cinema Ticketing Software is parametric. Ticket prices according to person types can be defined according to the fare policies of the business.
Sales personnel can sell tickets by making selections such as movie, session, hall and seat type through the sales screens they can access within their authority. The sold ticket can be printed out.

Barkodes Cinema Payment Systems Software Package is a multi-language program that allows ticket printing and reporting by making selections such as session,hall,seat,seat type movie, fee type in cinemas.

Cinema Ticketing Software has adjustment and sales interfaces. Users log in to the system with their username and password and can only view the screens within theirauthority. The most important feature of the system is that it can be directly integrated with new generation Cas Register-POS Systems. In this way, easy, fast and reliable buffet management can be carried out. Users with admin authority can define new users as well as definitions such as branch,hall,seating plan,seat type, movie,person type (student,disabled,retired,etc.)


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